Book Review

Skinny Bitch – Book Review


Skinny Bitch Product Review
Skinny Bitch Book

It took me a while to consider reading this book. My first impression was that it was just another diet book. I don’t care to read nahn-nuther diet book, besides I’m not a fan of diets. I believe we should eat to live and enjoy it. After much conveniencing I place the book on hold from my local library. To say I was in for a surprise would be an understatement. The language in this book is quite harsh. Darn right rude and mean at times. However the content is on point and I have been pleasantly surprised by this book. The more I kept reading the more the language didn’t bother me. If brash language offends you, this is not a book for you. There were a few other disappointments other than the language. They make many food recommendations that I personally don’t agree with. They have what appears to be an entire chapter on Skinny Bitch approved processed imitation foods. I don’t claim to eat clean 100% of the time, but they list products I would not eat. They go in hard about how our government doesn’t really protect us and are actually working against us. They speak with directness about the pitfalls of milk, meat and fish. Despite their laps in judgement to include so many approved process foods, they redeem themselves by encouraging their readers to use their heads. Don’t take anything at face value, even what you read in their book. This reminds me of a quote from one of my favorite movies “Never trust anyone’s research except your own”. Kudos to anyone who knows what movie this is from. I was really prepared to not like this book, I had my bias’ all laid out but In the end I must admit this is a pretty good book. I guess that means I will also be reading the Skinny Bitch Cookbook. So what do you think? Have you read Skinny Bitch? Did the language offend you? Or did the language help drive home how much you need to know what is in your food? Comment below, let me know what you think.


I was not compensated for this review. All thoughts and opinions are of my own. I’m pretty sure the writers of this book have not clue who I am (yet). I will however be compensated if you chose to purchase any of their books through my affiliate links.

7 thoughts on “Skinny Bitch – Book Review”

  1. I haven’t read the Skinny Bitch book or cookbook, however I doubt the language would offend me. I just may have to check it out of the library myself, based solely on your recommendation.

    1. I understand, it barely made my radar of books to read. However, I found a hidden gem, love it when that happens. Happy Reading.

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