It’s time to get real. Week 3 is going to add vegan lunches to the challenge; breakfast + snacks + lunch. This is when things start getting iffy. If you work outside the home, eating a filling lunch while trying to rush around can cause you to fall into old habits. I understand not everyone likes or has the… Continue reading Week 3 – 4 Weeks to Vegan
Category: Mister Approved
All food approved by my husband. Whole foods that men will enjoy
Week 2 – 4 Weeks to Vegan
Week 2 = Breakfast + Snacks Whelp, you did it. You made it through your 1st week. Was it as difficult as you thought? It was easy, right? During week 2 we are going to introduce another ”meal” to the mix. Snacks! How do you prefer your snacks, salty or sweet? For me it’s salty,… Continue reading Week 2 – 4 Weeks to Vegan
Planning – 4 Weeks to Vegan
Tomorrow starts week 1 day 1. Have you started thinking of what you will be eating? Remember it’s only breakfast for the 1st week. Here are a few of my posted breakfast options within this blog. My all time favorite is the Breakfast Hash. Sunrise in a cup smoothie, No Bake Protein Nuggets and Peanut Butter Smoothie are… Continue reading Planning – 4 Weeks to Vegan
5 Guilt Free Options for the Super Bowl
Are you ready for some football! Yes, No, Maybe So? I am, I don't really care who's playing. I enjoy seeing two teams battling it out for the The W. No need to backslide on your attempts to eat more whole foods and less processed crap choice. Here are 5 tasty options for you… Continue reading 5 Guilt Free Options for the Super Bowl
Easy Made from Scratch Sweet Cornbread
"You gone eat yo cornbread?" Haha, it takes a special kind of person to start their blog post with a line from the iconic move, Life. But when I tell you this is one of "the" best cornbread recipes I've come across, vegan or otherwise. I might just have done what Eddie Murphy's character… Continue reading Easy Made from Scratch Sweet Cornbread
Easy Vegan Potato Salad
Awhile back I decided to make this amazing Chickpea Salad Sandwich posted by TheChicNatural, starting at the 1:54 mark. After making her vegan mayo, I wanted to see what else I could use it with. Seeing how I have a long-standing love-hate relationship with mayonnaise, I decided to slightly remix her recipe and use… Continue reading Easy Vegan Potato Salad
Cauliflower Buffalo Bites – Take 2
Since my last run in with Buffalo Bites, this recipe has taken the internet by storm. Just about everyone has their own version. Seeing how so many people were loving this dish, I just had to try it again. This time, it was a success! After reading tips and advice from several different… Continue reading Cauliflower Buffalo Bites – Take 2
Easy No Bake Vegan Cheesecake
I've been attempting to get out of my comfort zone and add some new things to my diet. One of my favorite bloggers posted a delicious looking No Bake Vegan Cheesecake. I'm pretty sure my face looked exactly like yours does now. Fix your face, I promise it was very tasty and the best… Continue reading Easy No Bake Vegan Cheesecake
Fully Loaded Vegetable Soup
I love tomatoes, but they don't love me. At least not in the quantities in which I enjoy them. After many helpings of tomato based products, my stomach has a way of letting me know it's had enough. One would think soup would be safe to eat, free from tomatoes. However, tomato based stock is… Continue reading Fully Loaded Vegetable Soup