5 Ingredients or Less, Appetizer, Budget Saver, Flops, Me in the Kitchen, Snack, Vegan Option, Vegetables

Easy to Make Kale Chips – Flop

Kale Chips

Kale Chips are all the rage right now. Awhile back I tasted a free sample while in the grocery store. I did not like them, but so many people kept talking and posting about these chips. I figured in the spirit of trying something new, I would make these myself. My thinking was surely I can do a better job than store bought. I found several recipes and they all seemed simple enough to make. Why, why, why do I always lie to myself? These things were horrible, taste like eating dead grass. My husband said they tasted like active charcoal. Hmm, Dear why do you know this?

If you care to try them yourself,  check out The Chic Natural . They are really simple to make and  only uses 5 ingredients.



3 thoughts on “Easy to Make Kale Chips – Flop”

    1. You should be able to find Kale Chips at your local food store. Or make yourself. They are very easy to make. Let me know what you think.

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