5 Ingredients or Less, Appetizer, Breakfast, Dessert, Me in the Kitchen, Mister Approved, Review, Snack, Time Saver, Vegan Option

Drinks – 4 Weeks to Vegan

4 Weeks to Vegan Challenge. I may or may not have-on-purpose-not-really failed to mention that drinks, including alcoholic beverages are included under snacks. I can hear you now, saying you have nothing to worry about. Alcohol is vegan, right? Well, maybe not. Also there are some orange juices that are fortified with Omega 3s. The… Continue reading Drinks – 4 Weeks to Vegan

5 Ingredients or Less, Breakfast, Me in the Kitchen, Mister Approved, Vegan Option

Breakfast – 4 Weeks to Vegan

Tomorrow is the day, Week 1|Day 1! Have you started planning what you will be eating? Remember it’s only breakfast for the 1st week. Here are the links to the pantry staple items I posted earlier this week. If you have not read them, please do. I’ve offered several simple breakfast options. Oats Breads &… Continue reading Breakfast – 4 Weeks to Vegan

Oats a kitchen staple
Breakfast, Budget Saver, Kitchen Essentials, Me in the Kitchen, Mister Approved, Snack, Vegan Option

Oats a Kitchen Staple

It's one week until the challenge begins. Start getting your meal ideas together. Oats are a staple you should have on hand. It great especially for breakfast and snacking. When it comes to any of these options, you can make your own or buy at any store. Make sure it vegan and opt for something… Continue reading Oats a Kitchen Staple

Loaded Vegan Nachos
Appetizer, Me in the Kitchen, Mister Approved, Recipes, Review, Snack, Vegan Option

Loaded Nachos with Vegan Cheese Sauce

I spend many vacations in the city of New Orleans. They are known the world over for their food, in particular their seafood. What many do not realize is their vegan food is equally as good. If ever given the opportunity to travel there, checkout Kush Café and King of Kings food truck. Not to… Continue reading Loaded Nachos with Vegan Cheese Sauce

Dinner - 4 Weeks to Vegan
Budget Saver, Kitchen Essentials, Me in the Kitchen, Mister Approved, Time Saver, Vegan Option, Vegetables

Week 4 – 4 Weeks to Vegan

Breakfast + Snacks + Lunch + Dinner This is it, you made it to week 4. This will be the first full week of eating every meal vegan. We’ve slowly cut out meat based products each week. This week I challenge you to try something new, you may find yourself getting bored with you food… Continue reading Week 4 – 4 Weeks to Vegan